Happy New Year!

I can't believe 2006 is over! Time does seem to go faster every year -- my Mom used to say that and I'd just laugh! Hmmmm.........

Shades of Shetland was started in 2006, mainly to help keep me on track with my knitting. I've met a lot of great people through their blogs, and I really appreciate their views on knitting and life in general.

I started She Ewe Knits in 2001 -- so 2006 was my 6th year -- and it's been a great way to meet other knitters who are fascinated with traditional Fair Isle knitting, just like me!

By means of a highly scientific study.....I've ascertained that only 1.5 percent of knitters are true Fair Isle knitters -- by true I mean......they use traditional Shetland jumper weight yarns (Jamieson's or J&S), at the traditional gauge, knit in the round, with steeks to be cut open later for armholes and necklines. There are many "stranded" knitters out there -- and there's nothing wrong with that -- but it's not Fair Isle knitting by my definition.

Even the 1.5 percent Fair Isle knitters need to take a break sometime and knit something else -- while I won't be knitting a Dale, I will be watching the Dales of North America knitalong that Lorraine and Jewel are hosting. I love those sweaters, so I'll be participating in a virtual sense. If you want to join, go to one of their blogs and click through to the yahoo group.

Don't forget the Stranded: The Colorwork Challenge knitalong. Lots of amazing stuff going on over there too!

So if you're going out tonight, don't forget to have a DD, and drive safely! If you're staying home, enjoy.

Tomorrow is the start of a whole new year -- 2007 -- enjoy!


  1. Hi Anne- By no means will I ever not knit Fair Isle- I have the newest design on the needles, even during the KAL.
    It's fun to have a knitting community of like-minded knitters that share your interests.
    And we're grateful to have retailers like you that cater to our passions and provide the knowledge and experience.
    Cheers- have a wonderful New Year.

  2. Happy New Year, Anne! I had no idea we FI-ers were such an exclusive group of knitters. I'm chomping on the bit to begin Erin - Tuesday is CastOn Day, when hubby is back in the office and the house is quiet.

    Continued success for 2007! Long may your business flourish to keep us Fair Islers supplied and happy.

  3. Happy New Year Anne! And thank you for all the help you have given me (including sale of yarn for Marina). I'm very near my neck shaping on my Jade Sapphire Rosarie vest (I decided to venture into the more traditional fair isle pattern after finishing my Philosopher's Wool). I also joined the Dale KAL - I'm thinking of doing St Moritz next. I'm soon to be 58 - started knitting at the age of 18 and this is my first attempt at Fair Isle What an adventure and your blog continues to inspire me! I feel I can adapt and knit anything!


  4. Happy New Year! I'm thankful that there are still retailers, even if long-distance, that still sell yarns to satisfy us fair isle knitters' desires. Especially since the one local yarn store that carried a full line of shetland yarn has closed their storefront and cut back their yarn lines to just their own line, which is all natural shetland yarn.

  5. Hi Anne...you do know that in all likelihood I'll be purchasing my ONE allowable purchase this year at She Ewe Knits?!

    Although I love Arans and other "traditional" stranded, such as Norwegian and I dabble in the conventional - my first love and favorite knits will always be Fair Isle.

    All the best for a happy and successful 2007!

  6. By the way - I decided to start my very own blog after being so inspired by others'. Please visit me at




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