Beggers can't be choosers!

If you came across this - you'd probably jump to the conclusion that someone had attacked my knitting -- maybe this little cutie!Not so! I'm not fussy on housework in general, and dusting and vacuuming are particularly annoying!

Usually, vacuuming is done by a very experienced vacuum person -- but since that person has been unavailable, I decided to do it myself today!

What has this got to do with the pile of yarn snippets above! Well.... Yes, I had to cut that yarn off of the beater bar! So much for Mr. experienced vacuum person LOL! I can't complain, or he might quit vacuuming!

Bloggers, er - Beggers can't be choosers! I choose too keep quiet, not complain, and hope someone doesn't read this!

Forever Erin Onward -- I'm at the underarms -- update photos soon!


  1. Anne, My yarn pack came today! Yes, that fast!! I love it, and love that you packed it up so nicely in a project bag for me!
    Thank you!

  2. Daisy looks far too cute and innocent to ever do anything wrong. ha ha

  3. Could Daisy be any more adorable?!!?

    OK, so I don't feel so bad now when I say to myself - "naw Brigitte, you can clean later in the know, after work one day...". Sure. I've really ended up doing that.

  4. Anne- It seems your talents lie elsewhere, and you should let those who are more competent handle the vacuuming- it's clearly not for amateurs!
    Love to Daisy and Caelee.

  5. vacuum? what vacuum? Oh, you mean you're supposed to do that on a regular basis? I thought it was just what happened when company was coming......

    You can see that it would probably be a bad idea to come to my house unannounced. You may get attacked by an aggressive dust bunny!

  6. Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


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