Catch up!
The summer has flown by in a rather unusual way this year.....can't tell you exactly why the time has passed so quickly. Things that I wanted to do haven't been done...people I wanted to see haven't been seen........ I'm hoping to catch up this fall . After such a strange, and short! summer...I'm hoping for a beautiful long Fall. Grimes Update -- I fell off of the Grimes schedule for a while -- read the first two books in the Twilight Series - Twilight and New Moon - wouldn't have thought that these would be my cup of tea......Twilight was good, New Moon started to drag a bit but the ending was "you've got to read the next book to find out how they work this out!" I'll continue the series later. I also read "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" - classics that I thought I'd read at one point, but actually I hadn't.....thanks to Renee for giving me my copy! Another book recently read was ...